Getting Started

Getting Started


To install Stacks, you should use your preferred package manager.

bun add @grapp/stacks


Once you have installed the library, check out the Unistyles setup guide at this link (opens in a new tab). This guide provides a step-by-step process for configuring Unistyles in your app. You can skip this step if you have installed and configured Unistyles properly.


Adding Stacks support to the existing Unistyles configuration is a simple process. To do this, you need to add the following properties to your theme:

const theme = {
  stacks: {
    spacing: 4,
    debug: false,

If you are using TypeScript, it is necessary to create types for breakpoints after overriding Unistyles types.

declare module 'react-native-unistyles' {
  export interface UnistylesBreakpoints extends AppBreakpoints {}
  export interface UnistylesThemes extends AppThemes {}
declare module '@grapp/stacks' {
  export interface StacksBreakpoints extends Breakpoints {}


You can now explore the various components and become familiar with their properties by visiting the Components page.