


This hook returns a function that can be used to resolve responsive props in components. It accepts the responsive props format as an argument.

function useResponsiveProp<T>(value: ResponsiveProp<T>): T;
type Props = {
  size: ResponsiveProp<number>;
const Avatar = (props: Props) => {
  const resolveResponsiveProp = useResponsiveProp();
  const size = resolveResponsiveProp(props.size);
  return (
    <Image width={size} height={size} />
<Avatar size={[48, 64, 96]} />


This hook returns two helper functions - multiply and divide. These functions allow you to adjust the spacing between elements in your components by multiplying or dividing a value by the spacing value set in the Unistyles theme object.

type SpacingHelper = {
  (value: number): number;
  (value: number | undefined): number | undefined;
type SpacingHelpers = {
  multiply: SpacingHelper;
  divide: SpacingHelper;
function useSpacingHelpers(): SpacingHelpers;
type Props = React.PropsWitchChildren<{
  value: number;
const Padding = (props: Props) => {
  const { value, children } = props
  const { multiply } = useSpacingHelpers()
  return (
    <View style={{ padding: multiply(value) }}>
<Padding value={2}>


This hook returns two functions - isAbove and isBelow. These functions can compare the current breakpoint with the provided breakpoint, which can be helpful when adjusting component styling based on screen size.

type BreakpointComparator = (breakpoint?: Breakpoint) => boolean;
type BreakpointComparators = {
  isBelow: BreakpointComparator;
  isAbove: BreakpointComparator;
function useBreakpointComparators(): BreakpointComparators;
type Props = React.PropsWitchChildren<{
  below: Breakpoint;
const Collapse = (props: Props) => {
  const { below, children } = props;
  const { isBelow } = useBreakpointComparators();
  const isCollapsed = breakpoint.isBelow(below);
  const direction = isCollapsed ? 'column' : 'row';
  return (
    <Box direction={direction}>
<Collapse below="tablet">


This hook generates a style object with a random backgroundColor value. It can be useful for quickly identifying specific components in your application when the debug mode is enabled.

function useDebugStyle(): ViewStyle | undefined;
const Debug = (props: React.PropsWitchChildren) => {
  const { children } = props;
  const debugStyle = useDebugStyle();
  return (
    <View style={debugStyle}>